We are happy to announce that this semester merritt k will be joining us as the first-ever NYU Game Center Artist in Residence.
merritt is a game designer, writer, and thinker and an influential figure in the world of alternative and underground games. Both in her own work, and through community-building projects like her book Videogames for Humans and her podcast Woodland Secrets, merritt has brought a smart, insightful, critical perspective to a number of issues in and around the topic of games.
During her residence, merritt will be working on a number of current projects in the Game Center space, she will be dropping in on classes as a guest critic, and will have regular office hours for students to get feedback on their work or general discussion. Her residency will culminate in a talk about her work and research.
The Artist in Residence program is an expression of the Game Center’s vision that great education is grounded in a vibrant community of intellectual conversation and creative collaboration. We are pleased to welcome merritt to this community and are excited to have her join the conversation.