Due to unforeseen circumstances,
this Lecture Series event has been canceled.
Patricia Hernandez is the Editor-in-Chief of Kotaku, a games publication known for its bold takes and thorough investigations into the games industry. Her experience in games journalism spans over a decade of critical work that challenged conventions of what writing about our medium looks like. She speaks as a recent success story of marginalized journalists dedicated to changing the landscape of how fans and industry alike talk about games.
Patricia Hernandez has written for major game, tech, and culture publications Kotaku, The Verge, and Polygon, and you can read about her vision for Kotaku in her Editor-in-Chief announcement here.
Poster art by Eltons Kuns. Find more of his work here.
The NYU Game Center Lecture Series will be happening in-person and streaming online for the Fall 2021 Lectures!
In-Person: Due to NYU’s COVID restrictions, we’re only able to welcome current NYU students, faculty, and staff to attend in-person. We’ll have a limited in-person NYU-only audience, and it’s free to attend. RSVP is required, and you can RSVP here: https://patriciahernandezlectureseries.eventbrite.com
Streaming Live: The talk will be simultaneously live-streamed at twitch.tv/nyugamecenter. All are welcome to watch, come hang in the chat!
The NYU Game Center would like to thank our event sponsors: Fresh Planet, Take-Two Interactive, Dots, and Empire State Development. Their generous support makes our events possible.