MFA second-year Will Pang will be debuting new work at his solo show, The Revival.
From the exhibition statement:
“The Construction is a mixed media exhibition featured drawings and ceramics. The ceramics were derived from the drawings but did not repeat the drawings.
The project is a poetic documentary of an unreal construction and a self-directed fantasy comedy. Behind the surreal images the artist was telling the truth. Just like the famous one said: the artists themselves are not the ones who got inspired, but to inspire the audience. Artist builds the ideal world visually.
There was no main topic for the works, but many illusions were weaved together to form dramatic images. More important, it is also a great mental practice that the artist spent a lot of time on applying the traditional skills to his works, and showed his willing when he was walking on the way outside the modern main stream.
Like the artist himself said: I am used to be an outsider of outsiders.”