On this page you’ll find updated information about the NYU Game Center’s Fall plans related to COVID-19.
Quick Facts:
– No student or instructor will be required to be on-site at any point.
– Classes will be almost entirely remote, with some limited, potential in-person resources.
– Access to the floor will be strictly limited.
– To access any NYU facilities, you must have tested negative for COVID-19 and complete the NYU daily health screener.
All classes are being adapted to work as well as it can remotely, and the teaching is done remotely. Then, when it’s safe and appropriate, students who are in NYC and want to have access to in-person resources that augment the class will be able to do so. This might include, for example:
– face-to-face meeting with a faculty (at that faculty member’s availability and discretion) – working with other students on collaborative projects
– access to the prototyping cart
– access to the Game Center Library
The best way to think about all Game Center classes for the Fall is to assume that they will be entirely remote, and then expect some of them to have some in-person aspects, where safe and appropriate.
Our policy for the Game Center space will take a phased approach. We will start out with no access for the first month. Then, at the beginning of October we will re-evaluate based on the current data. We will continue to re-evaluate on a weekly basis. If and when it is deemed safe to do so, we will then open the floor to limited access via time-slot reservations.
– no access to Game Center floor
PHASE TWO: OCT 5 – Onward
– weekly re-assessment based on COVID-19 case data – if safe: access to the floor via strict reservation system
Open Library:
The Library will be closed Sept 1-Oct 5, and will re-open for limited use via a reservation system if access to the floor is possible Oct 5 and onward. If you have questions reach out to Gwynna Forgham-Thrift at gft213@nyu.edu.
Equipment Check-outs:
Equipment check-outs are suspended until the Game Center Floor re-opens, but if you have any tech or equipment related questions in the meantime, please reach out to Logan Clare at lc170@nyu.edu.
Help Desks:
We are running help desks in programming, art, and writing remotely at first, and then, if and when the floor re-opens, augment the remote help desks with some additional in-person ones, if possible.
All events will be remote for the Fall 2020 semester!