MFA graduate Chris Wallace published a candid account of his team’s process developing their thesis game, ‘3 Nights in Chicago.’ His article describes the challenging, rewarding iterative process that’s central to the method we teach at the Game Center. Opening the article he writes, “As designers, we often sit down to work on a new game with a (so we think) clear idea of what we want the end product to be, or at least a set of core design goals we’d like to reach. Over the course of creating our masters thesis, my team and I learned to let go of our ideas and let our game organically become what it wanted to be, rather than trying to force it to be something it couldn’t.” The full postmortem was published on Gamesauce, read it here!
3 Nights in Chicago was nominated in the Best Student Game category at the 2017 Ludicious Game Festival in Zürich, which will take place at the end of January 2017. Even if you’re not in Switzerland you can play the finished game; 3 Nights in Chicago is available on the teams’s itch.io page, here.