NYU puts together a series of videos profiling some of the most interesting classes offered across the University, classes like Culinary Physics, Introduction to Urban Agriculture, and now, Games 101! Games 101 is one of the Game Center’s foundational classes, where our students play games from many styles, genres, and time periods in order to develop advanced literacy. When our students better understand the past, they’re more likely to imagine new futures, and Games 101 gives them hands-on access to that history though our game library.
With all Game Center classes operating remotely in 2020, we had to reimagine the Games 101 experience to meet our goals without access to our physical library. To do that, we used Discord, The Internet Archive, Parsec, roll20.net, lots of emulators, and creative thinking by our faculty and students to successfully re-create the Games 101 experience online.
Check out NYU’s Cool Course dispatch to learn more about Games 101!