FLIP 9 - A card game where you are swapping cards to form ascending order 1-9

Eric Teo


After learning Phaser and how quick and easy it is for someone to create games online, I searched around for single player games that can be translated quickly into Phaser version as a challenge and practice for myself. I discovered Flip 9 which is a single player card game designed by a Taiwanese designer.

In the game, players are randomly dealt a row of 9 cards. Players then need to move the cards around through a special swapping rule and the objective is to setup the row in descending order. I added a counter to indicate how many moves the player has taken, sort of as a way for the player to see how well he/she has done.

I then contacted the designer to seek permission to release this online. He was gracious enough to send me the original images so that I can use them in my online implementation.

One of the interesting lessons I learnt was that the tabletop community is a very friendly one and comprises mostly of individuals or small companies of enthusiastic designers who are very willing to chat with fans/gamers and approachable. This has certainly made my life as a tabletop reviewer easier!

The most challenging part of this project was the swapping rule because I had to calculate what is the next card to be selected after the initial two cards have been selected and swapped.