What if you could play every arcade game, boot every computer, or plug into every console that ever existed, and could do so in your browser? Jason Scott, the Internet Archive’s Software Curator, has been part of a multi-year effort to make computer history “just work” in the present. He’ll walk through the steps that were taken to get there, the greater meaning of this effort, and show how tens of thousands of programs and games are one mouse-click away.

JASON SCOTT is a Free-Range Archivist at the Internet Archive (archive.org), home of the Wayback Machine and 20 petabytes of saved media and content, provided for free for all. As the software curator, he is responsible for JSMESS project and integration into the Internet Archive’s seemingly-endless pile of software, making it playable. He lives in Hopewell Junction, NY, mere hundreds of feet from where the CPUs of Nintendo 64s were manufactured.

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