PRACTICE: Game Design in Detail is the NYU Game Center’s professional game design conference that brings together videogame designers, board, and tabletop game designers, designers of sports and LARPs, and more to discuss the details of our shared game design practice.
PRACTICE is not about the business, technology, or educational potential of games – it is tightly focused on game design in and of itself. The conference features in-depth case study talks where designers unpack the systems of the games they designed. We also pack in lots of time for discussion and debate, such as our Open Problems session, where attendees present prototypes and design problems and get advice from the assembled experts.
The Best Minds in Game Design
PRACTICE features speakers from all across the game industry and design disciplines, including Jonathan Blow, Holly Gramazio, Jake Elliot & Tamas Kemenczy, Chris Avellone, Itay Keren, Emily Short, and more. Nearly every PRACTICE talk has been recorded and is available to watch on our YouTube channel. Below you’ll find a representative talk, links to the collection of talks from each year, as well as articles and more on PRACTICE.
Read about PRACTICE in the press:
“In-Depth: The Nature And Purpose Of PRACTICE At NYU” – Gamasutra
“Practice- Game Design for the Players” – Unwinnable
“Practice: Game Design in Detail Impressions” – Destructoid
“Thoughts on the 2014 Practice: Game Design in Detail Conference” – Gamasutra
Watch past PRACTICE lectures: