The NYU Game Center is excited to welcome mattie to the full-time faculty as a visiting assistant arts professor.
mattie is an activist, critic, researcher and game designer. Her work in these spaces focus on how design contributes to cultural change and how activism can use games as a medium. In addition to her academic appointment, she currently works as a design strategist for Antidote, a studio which collaborates with non-profit organizations such as the Red Cross and the United Nations. In the past, she has consulted for Spirit AI as well as released independent works such as Mainichi (2012), empathy machine (2016), and Feasting (2018). Her work has been exhibited in Berlin Bienale in Germany, Gaymer.es in Spain, the Museum of Design Atlanta and more.
Beyond her design work, mattie is known in the industry for her work in community building and game studies. She previously served as the associate director of the independent games festival, Indiecade, is a co-founder of the Queerness and Games Conference, and co-organized various conferences such as Different Games, play/ground, and Lost Levels. Her writing is prolific in Alternate Ending, with articles focused on social justice, video game culture, and design. mattie has also given talks all over the country about her works at various conferences and universities, including a TED Talk on everyday activism through play.
mattie has been part of the Game Center community since 2016, when she designed and debuted the class “Tackling Representation for Games.” Since then, she has run that class every year and also taught our intermediate game studies course, “Critical Making.” In addition to her work at the Game Center, she has also taught at Parsons and the School of Visual Art. mattie aims to collaborate with students to build new radical visions of the future through play and making. We are thrilled to have mattie join the Game Center faculty and look forward to her continued contributions to the department.