The world of games and the people who love them is vibrant and diverse but there are ingrained aspects of culture among game developers and players that can be homogenous and exclusionary. Attitudes that make gaming a hostile environment to some players and developers can range from a subtle but pervasive “boys club” mentality to explicit sexism or racism in game content to hostile or offensive language and behavior at gaming events.

It is important to us that the Game Center community be an inclusive, diverse, safe, and welcoming environment. Our policy regarding this is simple:

We have zero tolerance for any kind of discriminatory behavior or harassment.

Whether you’re entering the Game Center as a guest or a student, a visiting artist or lecturer, or a member of our staff or faculty, we ask that you agree to this policy in letter and spirit so that we can all participate in this community together.

If you aren’t sure about what constitutes appropriate behavior or language, simply ask yourself: will the person I’m interacting with find it personally hurtful? Could it negatively affect our ability to collaborate, work and play together? If so, take a breath and reconsider. You should always err on the side of courtesy and respect.

Here are some examples of behavior that we do not consider acceptable, although this is not an exhaustive list:

  • Language that disparages, insults or stereotypes others on the basis of categories such as race, ethnicity, gender and/or gender identity, national origin, sexuality, disability, religion, age, etc.
  • Unwanted touching, physical attention, inappropriate photography, verbal abuse, or stalking.
  • Humor that plays on offensive topics such as racist or sexist stereotypes, sexual assault, historical genocides, etc.
  • Use of imagery, symbols, or online communication to convey or carry out the kinds of language and behavior described above—for instance between members of the Game Center community online, or in any online space related to the Game Center.

Intentionally or not, any of us has the capacity to cause offense or hurt. In some cases a friend, instructor or classmate might point out our behavior or challenge us on it. When that happens, we ask that you listen respectfully and believe that your behavior could negatively impact other members of this community, even through something as simple as overhearing a comment you made in a public space.

It’s easy to react defensively, out of fear of being judged as an individual. Instead, we hope that we can all help each other learn and avoid mistakes in the future, apologize for any harm caused, and forgive each other for those mistakes whenever possible. By the same token, if you feel hurt or offended by something that another person has said or done, we ask that you do your best to help that process happen. If you can, inform the person about the impact of their behavior, ideally in private to avoid feelings of public shame; explain as best you can, trying to help them understand how to avoid the same situation in the future; and be open to forgiving them and helping them remain part of your community.

If you need help in mediation of or communication about a difficult situation, you can always feel free to find or contact one of the staff or faculty of the Game Center. It’s our responsibility to assist you, ensure your confidentiality and protection if you have a sensitive complaint, and follow through on resolving difficult issues. As part of New York University, we’re all also bound by the university’s Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy as well as its Sexual Misconduct, Relationship Violence and Stalking Policy.