Semester(s) Offered: Fall
Credits: 4
Course Call Number: GAMES-UT 243, GAMES-GT 243
Prerequisite(s): None
Taught By: Alexander King

Game Design and Economics have substantial overlap, as both disciplines are about the study of complex systems. While the goals of a game designer and economist might be different, the tools and techniques are not. Approaches from Economics can be invaluable tools to a game designer, helping you better understand, predict, and design systems. This course is designed to introduce important concepts in Economics, as they relate to, or are of use in, designing games. From modeling in-game economies and balancing, to incentives and game theory, students will learn a variety of economic topics that easily applicable to games. This course is especially designed to empower designers with backgrounds in the arts or humanities with a core understanding of Economics that they can apply their work.

Upon completion of this course, the student will:
1) Understand core economic concepts and how they relate to games and game design.
2) Recognize economics problems when encountered in game design work.
3) Gain experience in designing and implementing game economies.
4) Develop a vocabulary to describe economic aspects games.
5) Become familiar with using spreadsheets to guide and balance economic game design.
6) Develop techniques for solving economic problems in game design.