NYC has a broad pool of talented individuals looking for work in game development; at the same time, it can still be challenging for teams and companies to locate qualified candidates with the skills they need.
That’s why IGDA NYC and the NYU Game Center are teaming up to present the Games & Digital Media Career Fair and Mixer, a one-day event bringing together employers and job-seekers in the local game and digital media industries.
In addition to a tabling area where employers and recruiters can meet candidates, we’ll also be offering a series of one-on-one resume and portfolio reviews and mock interview sessions. Job-seekers will be able to meet with experienced professionals in a variety of disciplines, including art, programming, design, production and QA/entry level, to get expert advice on polishing their application materials and a chance to brush up their interview skills.
Afterward there will be a social mixer portion where participants can mingle and make connections over drinks.
The career fair portion of the event will run from 5-8pm, and the mixer will start at 8 and run until 10pm. When registering, you may select a ticket for the career fair portion only, the mixer only, or both.
PLEASE NOTE: The mixer portion may be held offsite at a location TBD. If you are attending the mixer only, please check back for exact location details when they’re announced!
Are you an employer or recruiter in game development or digital media with open positions to fill in NYC? Tables are available! Please get in touch at nyc@igda.com to discuss how you can participate.
Are you an experienced professional who would like to help others in the community? We’re looking for volunteers to offer one-on-one resume and portfolio reviews and mock interviews to attendees.
You can sign on to offer feedback and critique in one or more of the following areas: Art, Programming, Design, Production, QA/Entry Level, or General. If you’re interested, please contact us at nyc@igda.com, or register as an IGDA NYC volunteer!
If you would like to get a jump-start on the event, you can submit your application materials (resume, portfolio, business cards, etc.) for review in advance. Just fill out this form.
A volunteer will review your submission and contact you via email with comments and feedback. Arrive prepared!
For resources, tips, and more information, check out the Education and Career Development section on the IGDA NYC forums! Don’t miss the Job Postings board, which is updated frequently with new listings.
Registered IGDA members can post on our forums as well as view. Looking for work? Put yourself out there and make a post advertising your skills on our Services for Hire board.
If you have an opportunity to share on the board, submit it here!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/971434329585809/
Meetup.com: http://www.meetup.com/igda-nyc/
Twitter: @IGDANYC
Contact: nyc@igda.org
RSVP Here.