With eSports and interest in competitive gaming growing every year, understanding the different voices and perspectives in these communities is more important than ever. Women have played vital roles in eSports from the very beginning, and are a key audience for the quickly expanding industry. However, though their contributions are great, their concerns are often overlooked.
Join us for a conversation between several key female competitors, broadcasters, and operators including Rachel ‘Seltzer’ Quirico, Rumay ‘Hafu’ Wang, Samantha ‘Persia’ Hancock, and moderated by Lilian ‘Milktea’ Chen. Together, they will talk about their careers in eSports and high level competitive gaming, their thoughts on the industry and its growth, the realities of being a woman in gaming, and their plans and high hopes for the future of eSports.
RSVP here. Free and open to the public.