Watch the students, faculty, and alumni of the NYU Game Center on!
Stop by student and alumni channels to find wide variety of streams including everything from visual novel play-throughs, to late-90s FPS, to game dev work. The Game Center embraces streaming as an exciting new(ish) creative platform, and below is a collective of student and alumni exploring ways Twitch can be more thoughtful, more fun, and more chill. For our students that want to get deep into the critical practice of streaming, Robert Yang even teaches class on Twitch streaming.
You can also find the NYU Game Center on Twitch at:
Mary Georgescu
What’s on the stream: I am a variety streamer changing between game dev work, art, and I play a variety of games to explore their narratives! Sometimes, I even play in character!
Why do you stream?: It’s a lot of fun and it is constructive for me as a designer to play through other games and form my own opinions on what I think works and what I love!
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Ren Hughes
What’s on the stream: I’m a variety streamer. I play various games, a different one each Thursday and currently a full playthrough of one on Sundays. I also bake when my wifi works with me! I play a lot of rpg/visual novels and platformers! Watch out for me adding different content as time goes on!
Why do you stream?: To share my experiences and passions with other people. I love the community I’ve built. They make me laugh, they make me feel connected to others. It’s just fun.
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Sammy Chuang
What’s on the stream: Hi! I’m a variety streamer that rotates between Splatoon 2, Animal Crossing, Project Diva, Breath of the Wild and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.
Why do you stream?: Most of the time I stream just to hang out and have fun with friends and anyone who happens to stumble upon my channel! I’ve met lots of amazing people via streaming and hope to expand the little community that I’ve built. Chill vibes only!
Instagram | Discord
Adam Max Goren
What’s on the stream: Hi, my name is Adam Max, and welcome to my channel! I like to stream FPS’s/Stealth Games/Immersive Sims, but I’m always open to doing different games when suggested to me! Unique indie titles always pique my interest. I particularly like games from the late 90s/early 2000s.
Why do you stream?: I like to make analytical critique of games that I’m replaying while having fun, and react in entertaining ways to games I haven’t played! I also just enjoy talking with people who stop by in the chat.
Kevin Ray
What’s on the stream: Variety streamer that will probably stream game development and Dungeons and Dragons.
Why do you stream?: I like to hang out and talk with people about games, dame development and I like to share my stories and homebrew content from DnD.
Charlie Harper
What’s on the stream: My streams range from unique indie titles, to game development streams, to “Twitch Plays” content. I try to incorporate a calm, friendly, and open environment with my audience that promotes genuine conversation. Since I stream a wide variety of content, I am constantly updating my channel! Keep an eye on my channel for more performance work, “Twitch Plays” content, and audience focused streams.
Why do you stream?: Streaming has been a great way to connect with people who share similar interests, and feel connected in my community. Being able to stream development has been a blessing, as I am able to learn from others, and share my own knowledge with my audience, too.
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Brianna Shuttleworth
What’s on the stream: Call me Bri! I’m a Game Designer living in NYC. Here you’ll find cozy game dev streams, and wholesome family nights with my mom a few times a week.