The NYU Game Center would like to congratulate second-year MFA Winnie Song who’s thesis game Badblood won second place in visual quality at the 2015 Intel University Game Showcase at GDC.

Winnie presented her thesis alongside nine other projects from the top game universities across the country including USC, UC/Santa Cruz, DigiPen, University of Texas, RIT, SMU Guildhall, University of Utah, Carnegie Melon University, and Drexel. Up against teams ranging from three to twenty members, Winnie was the only single person team at the showcase.

Want to play Badblood? Winnie tests the game regularly at Playtest Thursday, and the game will debut officially at the Game Center Student Show on Thursday, May 22nd at 7PM.


Below are more photos taken by Winnie Song from showing Badblood at Intel, GDC 2015, IndieCade East, RPI’s GameFest, and more.