The NYU Game Center EVO Scholarship
Create the Future of Fighting Games
The NYU Game Center has partnered with the EVO Tournament to create a scholarship to study game design at New York University. If you have a passion for fighting games and want to join the next generation of great game designers we welcome you apply for EVO scholarship and create the future of fighting games in the Fall 2014 class at the Game Center.
The scholarship will be funded by the proceeds from the HD stream at EVO. This means that every person who upgrades to HD will be directly funding a scholarship for someone in the fighting game community. To receive the scholarship, prospective students will apply to the MFA program when our applications open in the FalL and complete supplemental application material about their involvement in the fighting game community.
We’re also considering funding undergraduate studies with the EVO scholarship. Prospective undergraduate students should write to gamecenter@nyu.edu to express their interest in receiving the EVO scholarship for their undergraduate studies.
Read more about the scholarship and how to apply here.
We’re committed to recruiting the very best for this brand new kind of scholarship, so Game Center Program Coordinator Dylan McKenzie will be at EVO 2013 to meet with prospective students. In the spirit of EVO we’ll have our own competitive games there, including undergraduate and graduate work, as well as games commissioned for No Quarter. If you’re at EVO this weekend, stop by our booth at the Indie Showcase in the Bally Grand Ballroom and play Slash Dash, Killer Queen, Field-1, and There Shall be Lancing! Plus our booth will be right next to previous No Quarter games with their own booths, Barabariball and Nidhogg. We’ll be happy to answer all of your questions about making games at the Game Center!
We’re also very excited to report that Daigo “The Beast” Umehara will be using his one-of-a-kind Mad Catz Spring Fighter fighting stick as he works his way to the top at EVO. The fighting stick, emblazoned with the Spring Fighter 2013 art was created to express our appreciation to Daigo for his appearance at this year’s Spring Fighter. Please join us in cheering on The Beast at EVO this year and remember, every person who upgrades to the HD stream will be contributing to the EVO scholarship!