Plant your worries away.
Michael Moerdler-Green
Class: Capstone I - 2020
Instructor: Maxi Boch
Coming soon to IOS and Android devices!
App Store: (Coming soon)
Google Play Store: (Coming soon)
Web Version: https://michaelmg.itch.io/soothing-seeds-web-version
For my Capstone project, I wanted to make a game that could help people. I decided to make a game to help reduce anxiety. Soothing Seeds is the result of almost a year of work and is the culmination of my time at the Game Center. The game sets out to help soothe and distract you from whatever stress and anxiety you may have going on in your life. It is by no means a cure for anything. The goal of the game is to help get you into a better frame of mind, so you can continue on with your day.
At the beginning of the game you can set how long you want to play for and the pacing of the game will adjust itself accordingly. You grow your own garden by swiping glowing seeds up and non-glowing seeds down. Every seed you plant in the soil helps a plant grow. The game also has a journaling feature. Tap on the sun to access the journal at any time. You unlock a new journaling prompt each time one of your plants flowers.
While the trend in mobile games nowadays is to have very crisp and defined sprites and art, I chose to give this game a more blurred and watercolor-like art style. The game tries to evoke a sense of calm to the player through its visual art, sound design, and gameplay. I hope you enjoy playing it as much as I enjoyed making it!
Happy planting!