The NYU Game Center is pleased to announce our first game writing Master Class, led by award-winning writer Susan O’Connor.
This two day, hands-on workshop is designed for students and creative professionals from both inside and outside the industry who recognize the potential of the medium and want to play a part in shaping its future.
Susan O’Connor is an accomplished writer who has contributed to over twenty titles, including BioShock, Far Cry 2 and Tomb Raider. Games in her portfolio have sold over ten million copies and generated over half a billion dollars in sales. She has contributed to first-person shooters, action-adventure titles, RTS, RPGs and open-world games in a variety of genres, including sci-fi, fantasy, horror, action, thriller, mystery and crime. In 2009, Gamasutra named her as one of the top writers working in the video game industry today.
This master class will provide a toolbox full of techniques game-writing professionals use to:
· Build a game story from beginning to end
· Create an emotional connection with the player
· Bend and break the classic rules of storytelling for the interactive medium
· Bring virtual characters to life
· Master the demands of genre
· Shepherd a story through the minefield of game development – and fix problems when things go wrong
· Collaborate successfully with a team, from the junior designers to the executive producer
· Raise the bar for storytelling in games
Whether you are a creative from another industry, a professional game developer, or a student just beginning your career – this class is for you.
Space is limited. Don’t miss your chance to learn from Susan in her first-ever appearance in the New York area. Buy your tickets now!