The NYU Game Center is proud to announce the 5th year of the Incubator program! The 2018 Incubator consists of 10 designers and developers working on 6 different games. In our 5th year of the program we are supported by New York’s Empire State Development as well as York University’s Refiguring Innovation in Games (ReFiG) program. From June-September, teams receive a living stipend, work-space, professional development workshops, as well as access to and mentorship from a board of advisors both local and international with experience in all aspects of the game industry.
A Memoir Blue by Shelley Chen & Kevin Zeng
A Memoir Blue is a single player magical realist narrative told through the transformative movements of water. Plunge into this astonishing journey by helping the young swimmer Miriam solve dreamlike click and drag puzzles that bend reality.
Anyball by Laurenz Riklin, Hang Ruan & Pao Salcedo
Anyball is a local Multiplayer game about procedurally generated sports. Each round random rules are being created, using different objects. Players know that they have to score points but not necessarily how to, so they mess around in a physics based environment to figure out their objectives.
Airplane Mode by Hosni Auji
Airplane Mode is a game where the player is a passenger, not the pilot.
Aboard a commercial airliner, the player decides how they want to spend time at their window seat while waiting out their transatlantic flight.
Objectif by A.M. Darke
Objectif is a party game about attractive people, for attractive people, by attractive* people.
*No promises.
Omino by Ben Costrell, Christopher Williams, & Jack Schlesinger
Omino is a real-time strategy road-building game for touchscreen devices. Players place tetrominoes to pave their way across the map, claiming territory, building their economy, and disrupting their opponent’s plans.
Stress Express by Aim Duangratana