This Friday, 9/28 at 7PM game designer and Professor of Bioethics, Bennett Foddy, will be speaking at the Game Center.  The topic of discussion will be Bennett’s high-level creative procedures for ideation, his iterative design process, and rules of thumb for solid creative process.  Students and practitioners are encouraged to join us for this unique opportunity for learning and close dialogue with the creator of sucessful games like QWOP, GIRP, and Pole Riders.  A selection of Bennett’s games will be available for play at the event.

Please RSVP here.

This event is the first in a series of informal talks and dialogues on varied topics around games that will be happening on the 9th Floor of 721 Broadway throughout the semester.  As with our Lecture Series, these talks are free and open to the public.  Look for more news on 9th Floor talks on game theory, video game art, LARPs, and much more.  We encourage you to bring friends and colleagues with interest in games and to come with questions for the speakers.