Join the NYU Game Center, New York State Senator Martin Golden, Chair of the Senate’s Subcommittee on Science, Technology, Incubator and Entrepreneurship, and Assembly Member Joseph Lentol for a roundtable discussion on the continued growth of the game industry in New York. The event will bring together leading voices in the game industry, academia, entrepreneurs and government to explore ways to collaborate and foster the game industry. The roundtable is open to the public, and we welcome you to attend and add your voice to this conversation.
This event is part of NYU’s Inauguration Celebration Week, an invitation our students, faculty, partners and friends to explore a week-long series of special events that will highlight the University’s developments in research, innovation and impact to the global community.
Senator Golden and Assembly Member Lentol recently authored legislation that would provide a tax credit in New York state. The bill, which has been passed by both legislative houses in Albany, would offset 25 percent of digital games production expenses done within the state. If you would like join us in supporting this legislation, we encourage you to write or email Governor Cuomo and describe how the bill would benefit you or your company. More information about the bill and contact information for the Governor’s office are on our site here.