Magical experiences can be created when we combine the best aspects of real-world play and digital technology. In this talk, Game Center Professor Matt Parker will demonstrate the possibilities that open up when we pull technology out of the screen and into the physical world, when we switch from using technology as the focus for games and start using it as a facilitator for real-world interactions.
Matt Parker is a game designer, teacher, and new media artist. His work has been displayed at the American Museum of Natural History, SIGGRAPH Asia, the NY Hall of Science, Museum of the Moving Image, FILE Games Rio, Sony Wonder Technology Lab, and many other venues. His game Lucid was a finalist in Android’s Developer Challenge 2 and his project Lumarca won the “Create the Future” prize at New York Maker Faire 2010. He created the game Recurse for the inaugural No Quarter exhibition at the NYU Game Center. Recurse was a finalist for Indiecade 2010 and won the “Play This Now!” award at Come Out and Play 2012.
Poster Art by Eltons Kuns. Get this poster and more Game Center art here.