Josh Hirshfield is an award winning game designer and developer with a rich portfolio of indie, AAA, and educational games. He received his MFA in Game Design, and his BFA in Digital Media with a Concentration in Game design. His focus is constantly shifting between different areas, exploring action, puzzles, narrative-driven, party, and educational games. His work has been exhibited at the Game Developer’s Conference, Waffle Games 6.0, ConnectiCon CTFIG, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s GameFest, and many more. He is currently the Lead Developer and Technical Director of Vivarium, a narrative driven adventure game. His graduate thesis GODWALKER is his take on a classic shooter, which went on to receive several awards and was featured at a handful of expositions. At the moment Josh spends the majority of his time at GUMBO making games with his peers, playing board games with his friends, exercising, and carefully learning to cook lavish meals. To learn more about Josh’s work, click here (
Josh Hirshfield
Josh Hirshfield