Join us on Thursday, March 7th at 7PM for a conversation on the pain of playing video games!
We tend to talk of video games as being “fun,” but in his new book The Art of Failure, Jesper Juul claims that this is almost entirely mistaken. When we play video games, we frown, grimace, and shout in frustration. So why do we play video games even though they often make us unhappy?
At this book launch event, Jesper Juul will discuss game failure with Doug Wilson, PhD graduate from the IT University of Copenhagen and indie game designer at Die Guten Fabrik of Johann Sebastian Joust fame, and Frank Lantz, veteran game designer at Zynga New York and Director of the NYU Game Center.
During the talk, the panelists will play painfully challenging games, and the audience will be invited to share the pain.
Jesper Juul is an assistant professor at the NYU Game Center. He has been working with video game theory since the early 1990’s. His previous book are Half-Real and A Casual Revolution, also on MIT Press. Jesper is a sore loser.
http://www.jesperjuul.net | http://www.jesperjuul.net/artoffailure
Copies of The Art of Failure will be available for purchase following the lecture.