hand holding prototypes of objectif cards

Objectif is one of the 2018 Incubator games and is precisely the kind of work that we aimed to support when we started the Incubator. It is provocative, beautiful, and incisive, with a wide appeal and exciting commercial potential. It is also experimental and risk-taking, developed by a creator with a vision, not a ready-made market fit. During the Incubator, the Objectif team has done a tremendous amount of work to refine the game, update the art, build an audience, and prepare for a commercial launch. The plan is in place, so they are now raising funds for the remaining development time.

About Objectif, Professor Naomi Clark wrote, “Objectif is a card game with a unique, valuable spin on beauty, race, colorism and perception. The developers are raising funds so they can reach commercial launch, take pre-orders, and support family all the while. This is worth bringing into the world!”

You can head right to the GoFundMe here, or read more about what developer A.M. Darke needs to make Objectif a reality below.

Hello Friends, Family, and Awesome Strangers,

My name is A.M. Darke, and I’m working on an amazing card game called Objectif, that I think you’re going to love. Objectif is a party game for attractive people (that’s you!) by attractive people (that’s me!), about attractive people (you’ll see!) – but it’s so much more than that.

Objectif is a game for everyone, showcasing an inclusive cast of beautiful, hand-drawn characters across a spectrum of gender, culture, race, and ethnicity – yet all wearing the same grey shirt!

several prototype designs for objectif

We are so close to launching a Kickstarter this fall. We’ve talked to manufacturers, figured out shipping and fulfillment costs, and reached out to influencers; we’ve got spreadsheets on spreadsheets on spreadsheets. We’re ready to do this thing, but we need your help!

Go here to read more from A.M. Darke and help make Objectif a reality here!