Two MFA Alumni games are out now on the Nintendo Switch! Membrane, by Seth Scott and Sumer by Studio Wumpus (MFAs ’15)
Membrane, by Seth Scott (’17) is a creative-action puzzle game in which you build, bend and break the world around you while experimenting to create your own solutions. The game is now officially out on Nintendo Switch in the US, Europe, Australia & New Zealand! Since initially launching in February in North America on Nintendo Switch Membrane has been getting great reviews from the press.
Get Membrane here! To hear more about the development of Membrane check out this interview with Seth, or follow him on Twitter for the latest updates.
Sumer, by Studio Wumpus (’15), is a love-letter to board games and is inspired by games like Settlers of Catan and other great innovations in board game design over the past decade. It pulls from ancient Mesopotamian mythology and history and pits players against each other in a non-violent competition of prayer and sacrifice. The game plays through several rounds where you gather resources, compete in an auction and build up a ziggurat in honor of the great goddess. Get it on Nintendo Switch here.
Studio Wumpus is a four-person studio that has been working on Sumer for the past three years. The game is already on Steam Early Access but has found the perfect local multiplayer platform with Nintendo Switch. The game has been in the official selection at several festivals as well as being an honorable mention at the 2016 IGF Awards. Stay up to date with the team on their Twitter.
Both games were part of the NYU Game Center Incubator.