The NYU Game Center is thrilled to announce that independent game artist and designer Winnie Song is joining the full-time faculty as an Assistant Professor at Tisch School of the Arts.
Winnie Song makes games known for bold visual style and ambitious subject matter. Her experience ranges from eccentrically personal independent games to AAA commercial titles.
She is best known for the multiple award-winning BADBLOOD, a game that celebrates and questions the perversity of violence, initially created while attending the MFA program at NYU Game Center and developed during the Game Center Incubator program. BADBLOOD has been showcased at Indiecade, EVO, XOXO, Fantastic Arcade, and Day of the Devs. It has won numerous awards, including Indiecade’s Audience Choice Award in 2015.
Prior to her arrival as faculty at the NYU Game Center, Winnie worked as a Game Designer at Square Enix Montréal, an Art Director for Tinytouchtales’ “ENYO,” and an Instructor of Game Design and Visual Design at NYU’s Tisch and Tandon schools. She also has an active career as an independent game designer, with current projects exploring the monstrous faces of desire and intimacy.