Semester(s) Offered: Fall / Spring
Credits: 4
Course Call Number: GAMES-UT 151
Prerequisite(s): Introduction to Game Design
Taught By: Flan Falacci / Jeff Petriello / Alexander King / Joshua DeBonis / Naomi Clark / Charles Pratt / Frank Lantz

Intermediate Game Design builds on the foundational ideas and skills of Introduction to Game Design. The focus of the class are design problems directly related to the day-to-day practice of being a working, professional game designer. These challenges include designing game levels within the constraints of a limited tool, building a narrative world designing experiences within it, and tuning complex game economies. Because communication of ideas is such a crucial game design skill, there is a special focus in this class on how to communicate a game design. At the same time, the class also leverages fundamental design skills like systems thinking, the iterative playtesting process, and creative collaboration.

Upon completion of this course, the student will:
1) Gain a general understanding of some of the fundamental activities that constitute the the professional practice of a game designer working in the game industry.
2) Train core skills related to game design, including systems balancing, level design, and narrative world-building for games.
3) Practice skills in communicating game design, including presenting ideas verbally and also in the form of a written document..
4) Make use of fundamental game design skills, such as systems analysis and design, development of a game through iterative playtesting, and design collaboration.
5) Connect the ideas of the class to the game industry today and to cultural ideas outside of the world of games.
6) Be a productive part of the class community, which includes giving and receiving thoughtful criticism as part of the design process.